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Come and join our Ladies section!

Come and join our Ladies section!

Fiona Clements11 Sep 2023 - 21:39
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Just joined Uni looking for a local team or itching to get your astros out and dust them off?

As the new season fast approaches we are still looking to recruit players into our ladies section. Particularly our recently promoted ladies first team, who are playing in Midlands Division 2 - against team such as Beeston 3s, Nottingham Trent Uni 2s, University of Nottingham 3s & Loughborough students 3s & 4s.

If you are currently at one of our local universities or starting soon and want to play at a performance level - please come along and give us a try.

Our Ladies 2s are in Div 4 - Moorland and narrowly missed at on promotion last season on points difference and our Ladies 3s are also promotion queens & play in Div 5 - Moorland.

We are based at Newcastle under Lyme school( NULS) and are in the process of having our own brand new astro built at Trentham School. We are a friendly ladies section and there is always someone to give you a lift to games!

All welcome..... even if you are returning back to hockey.

Training - Weds night NULS
2s - 6.30 - 7.45 - Coach - Sarah Jane Ralphs aka Ralphsie
3s - 6.30 - 7.45 - Coach Jim Venn
1s - 7.30 - 9.00 - Coach - Ralphsie

Further reading